This is from One of My Blog Posts In 2007 that Popped Back Up Recently and which I've found is still Valid Right Here - Five Years Later. Just goes to show when something is 'A Truth', it's Stands in Time!
Everything I've ever known can be boiled down to this and these are what make up my truth as I know it at this moment in time. The first five are required to access the last four. More
than all the rest, if I continue to return here, and keep these things
at the forefront, I will be able to, most of the time, walk the path of
my spirit.
Knowing I won't be hurt by any of this
Trusting in some thing much more vast than I am or can ever even begin to fully comprehend
Knowing if today is hard, tomorrow or the next day will be right
Letting go
Loosing my hold on my 'story' and letting it be only that
Relinquishing my death grip on the handles of my fear
Give up mental gymnastics
Always keep stepping out over and falling back into the abyss
Accepting my humanity
knowing some times I will be weak, sometimes I will slip and falter and
sometimes my spirit will shine through with brilliant light and I need
to be ok with all of these
Accepting responsibility
No more fear based avoidance
It must no longer hold a threat for me
It is the foundation of my power
Without it I am no one, nothing and nowhere but lost
Living from the place of spirit
Using both my mind and my spirit to walk the path
Free Will
Understanding that all of the above are what make it up, and are the only way to it
God will take the back seat for as long as we let him
It can be fully utilized only if we are willing to relinquish, surrender and succumb when necessary
It is so much more and so much less than most people ever realize
Its real and its also an illusion
When I own it there is no need to fear it
It's part of me, not something separate
It is within me and also has a separate, conscious source
With great Power comes great Responsibility
I have to see, accept and respect all its aspects before I can stand in it
It is a by-product not the means
It is the interface with the Divine and the Field
It is a tool
It is both everything and nothing
If I own it, I won't hurt myself or anyone else
Without it, I have no connections to anything
I have to understand it in order to be responsible within it
Whatever I find it to be is only a smidgen of its totality
It is the most powerful force in the universe at the place where it meets the Divine
It is always with me and can bring me into direct contact with my spirit and the Divine
Inner and Outer Connectedness of all things
It is the Field
I can tap into and access all that I will ever need with it
It can be accessed via proper application of all of the above
Like energy it contains vast power
It is a manifestation of Divinity
It will carry and supports me always
It will catch me always
Energy is but one of its components
It is vast and all encompassing beyond any level of human comprehension
We gain access to it by the grace of God and through the path of our spirit
It is where we are meant to live our lives from
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