I have it seems, finally arrived after having spent the years from the ages of 15 to 44 in one sort of waiting/holding pattern or another. My current spiritual & mystic level has brought me to a place I never dreamed I would reach, Complete Understanding, or at the Very Least with the Tools to attain something near to it, and simply for the asking to boot!. Imagine my surprise to discover we were meant to take that ancient statement “Ask and You Shall Receive” Literally!
These things were not, however, the marker that notified me of my arrival at my Long Awaited Destination. Instead it was this at first subtle shift , that I am able to feel within, ‘My Sense of Self’, as it were. I am no longer ‘becoming’, but have now ‘become’. I am no longer stuck ‘being’, in a place which I cannot wait to escape, but am finally, after all of this time, ‘Doing’ and the experience of it is unbelievably Fantastic!! I can feel with each application and use of my new attributes and abilities, their perfect fit and match to what I know I was created and meant to be and do.
For the first time in my entire existence, I know that all of “Me” is in the right places, every part of what I am fits together exactly as it is supposed to. I am much to my joy and amazement, a fully Functioning, Real, Articulated Human Being, something I’ve never had the pleasure of experiencing in my life before this. First the Huge, Gaping Wound at the Center of My Being was Closed. Then I came to know myself as a Whole and Complete Person. And now it seems the Engine has Finally Fired Up and here I am, Toddling out on my own just in time to participate in the Birth of an Entirely New World, as it unfolds all around me. I carry this sense of ‘Rightness’ within myself not previously present, and when I act it is with knowledge and purpose. I am now engaged and connected to all that I see and know and encounter, to all of that which exists around me, no longer residing in a state of isolated separateness, instead I am fully Integrated and Connected to All That Is.
And I gotta say, The Whole Thing is Pretty Frickin’ Kewl!!
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