Although this isn't really about her dilemma it's a good way to begin this post. Recently a friend of mine expressed, very eloquently albeit rather loudly, her personal beliefs and world vew to a large and diverse gathering. She was upset and dumbfounded when many of the people at the party expressed varying degrees of upset, ranging to outright anger at much of what she said. I think the thing that confused her the most was that they almost all took issues with something different, there seemed to be no group consensus as to one specific error in her ways.
My response was that there are currently (as of about 2 seconds ago) approximately 6,670,139,416.00 people on this earth and that number increased by at least 10 before I even left the page ( for those who are interested). Of course I used some kind of huge rounded number at the time, but you get my meaning. I explained I thought it was amazing that you can still even find the small (by overall populations standards) pockets and groups of people who can come to a basis for agreement within their own belief systems, let alone outside of them.
I told her my viewpoint as follows: In the next ten years with the expected population explosion and the ease at which people can now recieve, transfer and communicate information all over the planet, one of two outcomes will most likely result. People will grow further and further apart in their ability to agree on anything, ending up with groups of like beliefs congregating together in small communities. Unfortunately with our current (mostly, with the exception of Amsterdam) world wide govermental mindset of intolerance, they will probably (again, for the most part) be suspicious and unaccepting of outsiders. The second scenario (if we get our act together as a species) is that we could go in the completely opposite direction. It is possible that we could all become integrated and come to the conclusion that the only way to live peacefully is with full acceptance (even without personal approval) of each others beliefs and life choices. The whole one world in harmony thing we've all been hearing about since the Coke commercials in the 70's (even you youngsters have to know what I'm talking about).
Which brings to mind (a leap of connection I certainly didn't have in mind when I started this, but it seems to be appropriate. This is also were we leave my friend behind, because of course I couldn't construct this good of an argument on the fly at the time.) a website I came across the other day about Armageddon and the many prophecys of doom. Bear with me here and you'll see the relevance. It said that all of the doom and gloom, end of everything doesn't have to be true or the way it has to go. The theory was that all of those prophecys were made from a much less evolved human mindset and were always worse case scenairos. The authers stated that there are many people out there who are trying to raise the energy and consciousness of others all over the planet simply in order to change our possible
future(s). I realize mainy in main stream america have no idea this is happening and probably wouldn't put much stock in it if they did (they also might end up in one of those communities mentioned earlier). I do believe we as a species, overall, have made incredible leaps and bounds in just the last twenty years in our spiritual enlightenment and world views.
For the second scenario of Universal Agreement to become possible, each and everyone of us has to begin making it clear to our governments, to our communities, to our friends and co-workers, to our families, to our neighbors and to the stranger next to us in line that we will no longer accept intolerance and violence against those who believe "other" than us. Right now whoever is on the side of the "majority" and has the most might, is right and you may be safe today, but one day you may be on the other side. Those we show disdain, intolerance and at worse violence and persecution towards, may one day out number those of us who have for years used our "right" to defend our beliefs, with bloody results if necessary. We need to see the self-destuctiveness of this behaviour, because eventually "they" may be us and vice versa.
I know alot of people might not want to hear this, may not agree with my tone and will probably let me know about it. And that's great, I really hope they make it to this particular blog. I'll welcome their opinions, I'll do my best not to feel threatened by having my personal beliefs chanllenged and I will look on it as my own little lesson in Universal Tolerance and Acceptance.
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