Status Update

“There is something about words. In expert hands, manipulated deftly, they take you prisoner. Wind themselves around your limbs like spider silk, and when you are so enthralled you cannot move, they pierce your skin, enter your blood, numb your thoughts. Inside you they work their magic…”
Margaret (The Thirteenth Tale, Diane Setterfield)

Thursday, November 9, 2006

I Seem Unable to be Succinct

I probably won't even be able to accomplish it on a blog about being succinct (I love the word, though!) I must admit to feeling somewhat daunted when I read the Blogger help page regarding getting your blog read, where I saw that it is important to keep your blogs brief and to the point. I always get to the point, but the brief part I seem to leave in my dust. However, I am nothing, if not tenacious and I was, of course, able to come up with a (in my mind anyway) very good rationalizating AND justification for my specific stye and method of coming to my point. See I couldn't even be terse in that one sentence, but it was a very important sentence!

I truly do understand the underlying idea behind being brief and to the point. It's a matter of economy, it fits in with todays need for speed. We want everything now, in this very moment and we don't want our time wasted. And nowadays, thats exactly what we get. I always wonder what we are doing with all that time we are not wasting. I mean, are we simply squeezing more not wasted minutes into all of those brief seconds we've saved so we can keep accumulating all that not wasted time? Or are we actually doing something with all those minutes we've saved along the way? Are we using that time to learn something new, to broaden our horizons, to see how the other half lives, to enlighten our minds and our spirits? If we are, do we really expect the things of substance to also be minimized, microsized, so that we can save even more time to fit more of it in, in those precious saved moments?

What I know is that nothing of substance that I've ever read, enjoyed, learned and grown from as a person, was ever "smallie sized". We "biggie" size everything else, why not the information that might take us further in life? Dantes Inferno, East of Eden and pretty much anything by Steinbeck, Thoreau, Emerson, Jefferson, Einstein (the list goes on, if you are interested check out ) were most definately not on the brief side. I am not, in anyway, comparing my blogs to these great writings, I am simply saying so much would have been lost to us if these people had felt the need to be succinct.

There are times when I feel the need to share my thoughts and I only have this one way, style in which I know how to do that. It is my hope that once someone starts reading they will want to take those few saved minutes to finish. I do promise not to make this one of those blogs where I go on for paragraph after paragraph about the daily events of my life, such as my kids injuries, the visit to the grocery store and vet, etc.. I promise only my occasional thoughts and questions on life and spiritual and personal growth. I still can't promise brevity, though!

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