Status Update

“There is something about words. In expert hands, manipulated deftly, they take you prisoner. Wind themselves around your limbs like spider silk, and when you are so enthralled you cannot move, they pierce your skin, enter your blood, numb your thoughts. Inside you they work their magic…”
Margaret (The Thirteenth Tale, Diane Setterfield)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It's All About Perception

I’ve realized of late that everything comes down to Perception.  Our Choices, Actions & Relationships all hang in the balance set by perception.  Truly understanding what this means in your life can be incredibly freeing and at the same time incredibly frustrating, due to its sometimes arbitrary nature.

When I first accepted as fact that nothing I can say or do for another can fix/resolve their issues, bring them happiness or allieve their unhappiness, I felt free and unfettered in my relationships, as never before.  I do not mean by this statement that I no longer felt an obligation, or desire to provide support to those around me, only that I felt released from the chains of emotional obligation that have bound me to the people in my life, especially those closest to me.

The freedom I felt came because I was finally able to separate my emotional state of being and sense of obligation from the emotional state and condition of others. I accepted my complete powerlessness to create or engender resolutions/fixes in the lives of those around me, particularly when based on My Perceptions of them and/or their issues/situation.  For the first time, the sense of an obligation to intervene and in someway negotiate or mitigate others problems, issues or emotional state of mind/being was lifted from me. I stopped attempts at maneuvering, manipulating and creating what I WANTED for them.  Instead of trying to mold, fit MY PERCEPTION of a solution into something they could relate to and as such integrate/implement, I let go of “MINE” and entered into “THEIRS
 I do not mean to imply a defeatist/nihilist state of mind or being by this, that anything I might say or do would be pointless and as such I would do nothing.   I simply reached the understanding that anything I might put forth as a solution/resolution based on MY PERCEPTIONS, MY personal experiences will not be affective; because no one else is me, because it is impossible to ever truly know another mans heart and mind.  I no longer believe that I have the answer or indeed, any answers, rather I try to listen and understand the other persons PERSPECTIVE/PERCEPTIONS.  Any support or assistance I do provide to others will be that which THEY seek or chose, and only after I have first taken the time to step into THEIR world.

I accepted all of this with ease, grateful that the scales had been lifted from my eye. AS a result of this I and have enjoyed a huge improvement in my relationships, particularly those nearest me.  The possibility of a darker side to accepting this “I have my Perception, You have Yours, Whets Relevant to me May not be Relevant to You” did not occur to me. This is because I always assume that others will act in good faith, treating me as I have treated them, but in the end no one is actually obligated to step into the others shoes and whether or not to take another’s “Perception”, perspective into consideration is a personal and non-binding choice. 
It seems as though I’m late to the party, as usual.  Apparently the majority of people already know that its all about Perception, believe that every man is a separate individual who can never know the mind of another and  that we are under no obligation to walk in anyone else’s shoes, feeling no sense of personal accountability or obligation to the consideration  of any perspective other than their own.  Not only this, but it seems that MANY people are singly incapable of even understanding any perspective other than their own, let alone putting that of someone else’s before their own.  Until very recently, I thought that many of the bloodiest wars were fought because of Religion, now I see that in truth all of it has always been about nothing more than PERCEPTION and an inability to see anything from any position other than ones own PERSPECTIVE.

Whether people realize or accept it, the truth is that more and more, we live in a Quantum World & Reality. 
There is no Me THAN You, Us and Them, Mine and Yours.  As any Physicists worth his quantum salt will tell you, There Is No Observer & Observed, There is No Definitive or Arbitrary Line of Separation, No Corner, Piece or Section of the World that We can Wall off in which We May Stand Apart, Isolated, Unaffected and Untouched.  No Matter Where We Go, There We All Are.  If Everyone in the World familiarized themselves with and lived by the fundamentals of Quantum Theory We as a Race would be able to make ‘Quantum” Leaps forward in the evolution & Longevity of Humanity.  As we stand on our self-made Islands, looking out from our own Perception & Perspective, we have conditioned ourselves to believe that this Freedom of the Individual thru Personal Choice is the purpose of and how we exercise our birth right of ;Free Will’.

Most of us are satisfied with this simple, self-gratifying definition and way of existence.  The majority have no idea that this is only “Free Will for Kindergartners” and that the Truth is so much more amazingly vast and far reaching, bur can not be entered into until one is ‘Willing” to “Free” oneself from the restraints of Separateness and begin the practice of ‘Merging’.  The first step in this process of Freeing Oneself is embarked upon when we ARE able to step outside of our own Perceptions and step into those of others around us.  It’s the difference between looking thru the lenses of a camera and thinking what u see there comprises all that there is to be seen, and expanding your range of sight by removing the camera from your line of vision. I believe my practice of this wider state of vision will begin to engender the same in those around me, and that my experiences with others will continue to broaden  the  depth and nature of those relationships, 

Remembe, No Man is an Island, When You Find Those Who Do Not Know This, Show Them The World, Through Their Own Eyes!

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